Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Atlanta History Center

The Atlanta History Center and Cathedral of Christ The King - Atlanta

Brooke and Joe were married on August 11 in the 103 degree Atlanta heat....and I thought Florida was hot! Oh yeah...now I remember why I moved to FL! Just kidding.... Stunning couple...beautiful wedding, fabulous family and topping off the night...The Beatles Tribute band "The Return" was a huge hit! Congratulations guys! More to come soon. Stay tuned.

The one and only Dave Jenkins was my 2nd.....Thanks for your fabulous images Dave.

This is one of Dave's!

The National Hotel - South Beach

July 28 at the National Hotel, Ann and Aaron were married! What a stunning wedding. My good friend and awesome photographer Freddy Rozen was my trusty 2nd for the day.

Dress trashing the next day is always soooo much fun! See the post below for more photos the day after.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Trash The Dress - South Beach National Hotel

Ann, Aaron and Vera Wang get trashed on South Beach's infamous National Hotel on July 29. Thanks for a spectacular 20 minutes getting trashed.