Friday, December 19, 2008

Family blogging

This holiday season has been so incredibly crazy! Plus I've been trying to get a handle on this whole facebook revolution, thus my blog needs some serious catching up.

This is the time of the year for family photos, parties etc. This couple, Kathy and Patrick was married a few years ago in Vero Beach. Since then I've returned to photograph the family each year. We all go through experiences that test our strength and determination throughout life, but nothing tests us like a sick child. Little Raymond spent weeks in the hospital recently as he got Salmonella poisoning from touching a reptile at a petting zoo! After weeks of turmoil and fighting for life! Little Raymond had to learn to walk again! This photo shoot means so much to me and of course the family. To see this little star so vibrant and happy is pure magic. Thank guys for keeping me a part of your family and allowing me to document this journey!

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